MA Missional Leadership and Justice

This specialism is designed to enable students to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of the biblical basis for justice and reflect on the theological lenses through which to appreciate the missional importance of economic, social, political and environmental issues of justice. As part of their reflective practice and application, the key skills and capacities required to lead churches and other faith-based organisations into engaging with the key contemporary issues in their local communities and contexts will be explored.

In partnership with ForMission College, we are delighted to be delivering a new pathway engaging with the key issues of justice in a world of climate injustice, racial divisions and social and economic inequality. There has never been a more urgent time to help equip leaders who model just and sustainable forms of missional leadership, together with communities and organisations that can meaningfully influence their worlds through ethically informed theological and biblical practice.” -Andy & Carol Kingston-Smith, Founders of the jusTice initiative

We are excited to work with the jusTice initiative and Climate Stewards in the delivery of this MA specialism, to ensure students get expert input during their studies.

The specialist modules for this pathway are:



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