Missional Leadership, Discipleship and Movements

This specialism is designed to enable students to develop a deep theological understanding of a range of discipleship-based and disciple making movements and to explore discipleship-based Christian formation and practice. As part of the reflective practice element of this specialism, students will critically engage with strategic practices of disciple making movements and their implementation in a variety of ministry contexts, both locally and globally.

What excites us about our relationship with ForMission College? We share a passion for personal and neighbourhood transformation and new spiritual communities, which are the fruit of reproducible discipleship practices. EQUIP Britain International welcomes the opportunity to partner with ForMission College to help shape the discipleship of leaders in an increasingly complex and diverse world.” – David Fittro, Executive Director, EQUIP Britain International

We are excited to work with EQUIP Britain International in the delivery of this MA specialism, to ensure students get expert input during their studies.

The specialist modules for this pathway are:



Missional Leadership, Discipleship and Movements

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